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Six NFTs that saw significant value losses over the previous 12 months

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  • NFT's took the investing world by storm in 2021 and 2022.
  • But this year has been a different story, as the bottom has dropped out of much of the NFT market.
  • Find out which NFTs have taken the biggest pounding.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, took the digital world by storm. These unique digital representations of art or collectibles are linked to a blockchain, typically Ethereum, and each carries a one-of-a-kind signature that cannot be duplicated, guaranteeing its authenticity.

But one of the defining features of NFTs is their incredible volatility. In 2021-2022, the NFT market experienced a meteoric rise, with monthly trading volumes reaching an astonishing $2.8 billion. However, more recently, up to 95% of NFTs from that period have seen their value plummet, leaving many to wonder whether they are now "worthless." 

That said, whether they are worthless or not is a highly speculative game. Some major institutions say this may be an excellent time to buy. Additionally, a reduction in value doesn't necessarily equate to a loss of investment for holders — as some were originally acquired for free or with minimum investment.


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Author: Haley Richmond DDS

Last Updated: 1698598922

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Name: Haley Richmond DDS

Birthday: 1945-06-20

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Introduction: My name is Haley Richmond DDS, I am a candid, fearless, unreserved, skilled, artistic, variegated, dear person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.