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These 3 Cryptos Could Make You Rich in 5 Years, According to ChatGPT

Many experts believe the crypto-winter is not over yet, and I agree with that. But it is right now when we must identify good opportunities within the crypto sector that we can take advantage of for the next bull run. In particular, I really like to make use of the tools that technology offers us today. To lighten a little the big job of searching within the thousands of existing cryptocurrencies, I asked ChatGPT about its crypto predictions, and it has given me some good results that have caught my attention. Let’s take a look at these AI crypto predictions.

Arbitrum (ARB)

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An abstract concept image for blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Source: Shutterstock

Imagine Ethereum (ETH-USD) is like a congested highway during rush hour. Transactions are slow and expensive due to the amount of traffic. That’s where Arbitrum (ARB-USD) comes in, as a kind of fast lane that decongests the road. With Arbitrum, transactions on Ethereum become faster, cheaper and more efficient. It’s like traffic suddenly clears and you can move faster.

Arbitrum’s main cryptocurrency is called ARB. But ARB is more than just a currency. It’s like a vote at a community meeting. ARB owners can make decisions about how Arbitrum will operate. That means the community has the power to influence the future of this technology, which is pretty exciting.

And it has big plans for this year. Arbitrum will release something called “Orbit,” which is like a new and improved version of its technology. The creators will also make it easier for developers to create programs in languages they already know, like Rust or C++. All of this is in an effort to make Arbitrum even faster and more secure.

Now, let’s switch gears to Snook (SNK-USD). Snook is an exciting blockchain game where your gaming skills really matter. Imagine you are a soccer player and your ability to score goals determines the value of your player card. You can sell that card on a marketplace. Snook is now moving to Arbitrum, which means more people can join and enjoy the game.

In addition, it is introducing a stable currency called USDC along with its native currency, SNK. That could make the game more appealing to people who prefer to have a stable currency. Imagine getting cash rewards while playing the game. Sounds great, doesn’t it? That would support much more volume in Arbitrum, boosting its network and usability.

Fantom (FTM)

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A graphic for the Fantom (FTM) crypto

Source: Shutterstock

Fantom (FTM-USD) is a cryptocurrency gaining attention for its speed and efficiency. It is a smart contract platform built on a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure, which makes it incredibly fast. Imagine making transactions in less than two seconds. That makes it a very attractive option.

Fantom’s story began in 2018 with the creation of the Fantom Foundation. In December 2019, the creators launched its main network called Opera. Fantom’s main mission is to address the limitations of previous blockchain platforms by focusing on scalability, security and decentralization.

A highlight of Fantom is its ability to process thousands of transactions per second at minimal cost — often only fractions of a penny. That makes it suitable for a wide variety of applications.

Fantom is based on two key components, the Lachesis protocol and Opera. The Lachesis protocol offers speed and security through a Byzantine fault-tolerant asynchronous consensus mechanism (aBFT) and a directed acyclic graph algorithm (DAG). Opera is Fantom’s primary application development and deployment platform.

In addition, in exciting news in September 2023, the developers announced its integration with Add3, an EVM smart contract management platform. That integration promises to revolutionize smart contract deployment, benefiting developers, entrepreneurs, enterprises and governments by streamlining their operations on the blockchain.


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image of many types of cryptocurrency laying on a motherboard

Source: WHYFRAME / Shutterstock.com

IOTA (IOTA-USD) is a special cryptocurrency because it is not based on a blockchain like most others. Instead, it uses a technology called Tangle, which is a network of nodes that confirm transactions. The amazing thing is that it has no miners and no fees, which means transactions are fast and do not generate additional costs when the network becomes congested.

IOTA’s grand vision is to become the platform of choice for transactions between Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Given that a massive increase in the number of IoT devices is expected in the future, this could represent a huge opportunity.

However, IOTA is not limited to IoT. Its creators believe it can have much wider applications, from providing digital identities for all to revolutionizing real-use-based car insurance, creating advanced smart cities, facilitating global trade and verifying the authenticity of products.

In the last quarter, the team behind IOTA has achieved significant milestones, including the launch of ShimmerEVM and the introduction of IOTA 2.0, a fundamental update to the protocol that has been several years in the making.

In addition, IOTA will participate in the important CEATEC conference in Japan, demonstrating its relevance in the technology world and its potential to innovate in multiple markets.

As of this writing, Gabriel Osorio-Mazzilli did not hold (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the InvestorPlace.com Publishing Guidelines.

Gabriel Osorio is a former Goldman Sachs and Citigroup employee. He possesses discipline in bottom-up value investing and volatility-based long/short equities trading.


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Author: Todd Ferguson

Last Updated: 1698585002

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Name: Todd Ferguson

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Introduction: My name is Todd Ferguson, I am a lively, Adventurous, Open, intrepid, rare, Gifted, honest person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.