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When in Manila, Pauleen Luna and Vic Sotto reveal the gender of their second child

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Pauleen Luna and Vic Sotto

Pauleen Luna and Vic Sotto revealed the gender of their baby number two in a fun-filled and intimate gender reveal party organized by Danica Sotto and Joy Sotto. 

In an Instagram post, the actress-TV host shared snaps of the event, where the couple’s first child Tali, Ciara Sotto, Oyo Sotto, Kristine Hermosa, Marc Pingris, and Helen Gamboa were present. 

“Yesterday, our dear family, headed by @danicaspingris and @joywsotto threw an amazing gender reveal party for us. So so grateful for a fun filled afternoon! (Hindi ako nakatulog last night cos hindi ako maka move on😂😂😂) Will share how they revealed the gender 🤣 WILD! But for the mean time, what’s your guess? Are you TEAM BOY or TEAM GIRL?” [sic] she captioned.

In a separate post, Pauleen uploaded a video of the event and finally revealed that they’re having another daughter! The gender reveal party was inspired by a pastel-themed boxing match. 

ALSO READ: LOOK: Pauleen Luna and Vic Sotto’s Daughter Tali Dresses Up as Moana!

As seen in the video, the backdrop has pink and blue balloons with texts written “On the pink corner” on the left side and “On the blue corner” on the right side, then “What will Baby Mochi be?” in the middle.

The baby’s gender was revealed through a playful match of baby girl and baby boy mascots, in which the baby girl mascot won! Then the guests popped pink party poppers. 

“Natalo ako ah kasi akala ko boy,” Pauleen said in the video, then asked Vic, “Pero ikaw ever since?” He answered, “Girl.” 

“Girl talaga, sila ni Tali. Malakas sila mag-dasal,” the celebrity mom reiterated. 

In the caption, she wrote, “Thank you again fam for giving us this baby shower, thank you for celebrating life with us! God knows we’ve been praying for this for a long time, so thank you for celebrating with us! Thank you @danicaspingris and Mama @joywsotto for fixing everything (all we had to do was go to the garden). Thank you Lord! This gender reveal was soooo fun and so creative, i still can’t get over it.” [sic].

In July, Pauleen announced that they’re expecting another child following weeks of speculations after Joey De Leon addressed her as “Hoybuntis” on the noontime show E.A.T.

What are your thoughts on this? Tell us in the comments!


About The Author

VIDEO: Pauleen Luna and Bossing Vic Sotto Gender Reveal by Nice Print Photo

She is a fur mom and an ARMY who spends most of her time writing and contemplating which merch to buy. Writing has been her safe zone.


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Author: Michael Gates

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Name: Michael Gates

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Introduction: My name is Michael Gates, I am a Determined, rich, Open, enterprising, proficient, candid, cherished person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.